Wednesday, February 07, 2007

21 Jan 06: Can I recycle envelopes?

A dispute has broken out in the household. Is it permissable to place envelopes in the local authority paper recycling bin? Beloved things no, I believe it's yes.

This is the same council who only recently fined me £50 for driving in a bus lane on the say-so of a camera hidden somewhere in the same bus lane. This was on Boxing Day - a bank holiday in the UK. How beaurcratic can you get? When I say I was 'driving' in a bus lane, I mean I stepped into the bus lane to avoid a queue in the remaining lane, where all the other, more polluting, vehicles have to go. As soon as the penalty notice arrived I made up my mind I was going to challenge this mindless bit of rule-mindedness, all the way to the House of Lords if necessary. I paid it a couple of days later.

Anyway, where was I? Being the ever-compliant husband I am, I have desisted from placing any envelopes in recycling bin, but I feel bad because that's a lot of paper going literally to waste.



Blogger Nick Upton said...

Local authorities are making it hard for people to do their bit for the environment. However, with envelopes the best thing to do is to stick a label over the old address and reuse the envelope.

I've put a list of organisations that sell envelope reuse labels on my blog. Envelope
Recycling Labels

8:38 pm  

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