Sunday, January 28, 2007

17 Jan 07: What to do with used polystyrene boxes?

17 Jan 07: What can I do with my used polystyrene boxes ? These things are getting to be a bit of a liability. It's the same with plastic cups, and the expensive looking insulated paper cups you get with hot drinks. It's so easy to 'forget' to recycle them, or not even bother. After all, the feeling of getting a brand new one with every drink is kind of 'mothering'. The cup gets a little grotty after the first few refills. So what? This is a health hazard? Even worse is when the drinks machine won't accept your cups, and you are forced to get a new cup with every drink. Lunch presented another dilemma: should I go for the brocolli in the plastic wrapper? I mean, why does a vegetable need a wrapper? It's a bit like those dogs you see with cotton jackets on - you wonder what's wrong with their own fur?? The plastic bottle from the strictly vegetarian multivitimins is still on my desk, staring at me, challenging me to do something about it. What can I do? I look underneath it to find the triangle that tells me it's recyclable and the number in the middle that tells me no one's actually set up to recycle it. Am I wrong? Something I'll have to find out.



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