Sunday, January 28, 2007

Disposable cups, fruit salad containers

18 Jan 07: I solve the disposable cup problem but what about the fruit salad containers? I have finally got round to using an old Evian bottle instead of numerous disposable cups for my frequent trips to the water cooler. It's not always easy to fill something that large, but I get satisfaction from knowing I'm doing my bit in this regard. Another dilemma - how much water should I put in the communal kettle? Pure environmentalism says as little as I am going to use, but this doesn't take into account the other workers who might want a hot drink. Wouldn't it be selfish just to fill for myself? But to completely fill the kettle would be horrendously wasteful of energy. Fortunately I have found a happy medium at around two cups - one for me, one for 'someone' else. We're still not flushing the loo at home when it's only wee. I don't care if the hose pipe ban is over in many parts of the country, it'll soon be down to sludge again if we keep on flushing down those litres. The moulded clear plastic boxes the fruit salad apparently has to come in are starting to mount up on my desk, and I don't know what to do with them. The fruit salad comes in an 07 type of plastic, whatever that is. If I remember rightly, the recyclers are only really bothering with 01 and o2, so even though technically it can be recycled, it probably isn't going to be. Beloved has rebuked me for leaving lights on around the house. When I mentioned they were only low-energy bulbs that didn't cut much ice, so I'm going to have to mend my ways. I've also made a mental note to refrain from moaning about the lack of youth involvement in groups when I couldn't find a good reason why I shouldn't become a scout leader, since there was a shortage and the kids were unable to join the Scouts even if they wanted to.



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