Thursday, June 07, 2007

7 June 2007 - There's a plastic mountain outside my house

The first thing I should mention is the sterling job Beloved has made today of cooking up all our veges (organic) into three delicious-looking dishes, a fritata, a stewy thing and definitely a soup. She thought I should mention it so I have. Quite rightly.

I keep getting flyers through the post and falling out of the Guardian newspaper I have to put up with suggesting we get a satellite dish and go over to Sky. It's not the corporate enormity of Sky or B-Sky-B or whatever I object to, it's the large, ugly satellite dish you need on top of your house in order to receive it. For a wind-turbine that might save the planet you need planning permission in triplicate from the Council, but you can stick up a rusty old metal soup bowl for free. The resistance continues.

Talking of the Council I had a reply from a nice lady from the Council assuring me that the used computers sit by the scrap metal bin and not in it. Was it a case of "place it gently down there by the scrap metal bin and we'll deal with it later, mate", that I was hearing after all? Anyway, it's good to know my humble email resulted in some action as the management of the recycling 'place' (sadly we can't call it the 'dump' anymore, I think it's now a 'resource' or 'centre'. Or maybe it doesn't even have a name, it's just 'the recycling') was consulted with my complaint.

I cleansed my soul to some extent over the weekend by actually reusing an envelope to house the receipts from my computer consultancy. Hopefully the start of a great new habit.

Oh, and finally, what do you do when the recycling bin the Council provides AND the one we brought home with us from New Zealand, still don't hold all the plastics that seem to flow out of our home like lava from Mount Vesuvius? Plastic builds up very quickly indeed, and it blows away easily too. I'm on the lookout for a plastic bottle crusher, I'm sure they exist, or I'll have to invent one in my copious spare time, and then I can advertise it on my super-successful website (still in the design stages), sell a couple of million and retire to a life of blogging on a Spanish island somewhere. I can hardly wait!



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